Providing specialist cyber, digital and internet investigative services for complex social media, identity theft, criminal and privacy concerns, Cyberlutions® are your full-service
Cyber-solution intelligence agency.

Providing specialist cyber, digital and internet investigative services for complex social media, identity theft, criminal and privacy concerns, Cyberlutions® are your full-service Cyber-solution intelligence agency.

A white background with a few lines on it
A man is looking through a magnifying glass at a computer screen.

We offer a range of specialist investigative intelligence and data recovery services (below), as well as some services we’re unable to list online. But that’s not to say we don’t offer them.

So, if you don’t see what you’re looking for… or if you do, and you want to find out more – get in touch today for an obligation free consultation with one of our Cyberlutions® specialists to find out how we can help you with your particular needs.

A hacker is sitting in front of a laptop computer with a skull on it.

Online Scams

Our specialist investigators will work with you discover who scammed you, what led them to target you, and help put measures in place to protect yourself in the future (or prevent online fraud before it happens!).

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A computer monitor with a group of people on it.

Social Media Investigations

Do you need to establish a person’s character, support an alibi, or provide supporting information that might be relevant to a court case? Our social media experts can collect information available through social media to create a clear picture of someone’s actions, relationships and habits.

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A blue icon of a person 's profile with a padlock.

Data Recovery

All is not lost! A failed storage drive isn’t always a lost cause, and in most cases, the Cyberlutions® team can recover deleted, wiped, or formatted files from storage devices, hard drives and memory cards in under a week.

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A blue icon of a laptop with a password and a shield.

Cyberlutions® PrivyCheck

Don’t leave yourself open to the risk of identity theft. Our Cyberlutions® PrivyCheck Identity Theft Prevention team can give you a big picture view of your online presence and show you any vulnerabilities or potential privacy concerns that need to be addressed.

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Give us a call to find out more about our online investigation and intelligence services in a 15-minute obligation free phone call.

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